Dear Benjamin,
I apologize
I apologize for denying you
finally accepting you
but not fully wanting you
all because I had
the “perfect life”
and the “perfect body”
couldn’t see past
my flat stomach
and tight ass
to realize that
you were the catalyst
for a change
in my life
a change that
shifted the focus from me
and back to
humming birds, daffodils,
blue skies, love….life
a force so strong
it knocked me off my feet
and when I fell
I became eye level
with two children
two children that
wanted mommy to stay home
skip the gym
play the video game
a force so strong
it knocked the wind out of me
standing back up
just to sit back down
with a man
a man that wanted wifey
to stay home
eff the “social life”
what about the “good life”
our life?
My Benjamin
Sweet Benjamin
adjusted the
weight on my scale
I am balanced